Kusadasi has typical Mediterranean climate with hot and sunny summers and mild winters. Summer season in Kusadasi starts in April and continues till the end of October. The hottest months are July and August with temperatures above 40°C and average temperatures of 34-37°C. During the summer, days tend to be quite hot, with over 10 hours of sunshine and you are very unlikely to see any rain during the summer months. In the evenings it gets comfortable and sometimes windy but still warm enough. Spring and Autumn still show between 8 and 9 hours of sunshine a day with temperatures remaining high at around 25°C.Even winter has good temperature in Kusadasi, with average of 13°C in December and March and with average of 10°C during the coldest months, January and February.Here are monthly averages for Kusadasi:
Jan:10° Feb:11° March:13° Apr:19° May:23° June :29° July:34° Aug:37° Sep:28° Nov:17 Dec:13